
installation views OK Centrum Linz:
Top left: floor plan of a typical tsunami house, slide installation "A house is a house is..." (Heidrun Holzfeind)
Top right: projection of the 60 min film "Tsunami Architecture"
Middle left: found footage room
Middle right: "Experts", table with 11 monitors; "movie set" still images on flatscreen TV
Bottom left: from the series "Boxing Day Survivors" (Christoph Draeger)
Bottom right: "movie set"
Tsunami Architecture
/ an exhibition by Christoph Draeger and Heidrun Holzfeind
OK Centrum Linz, March 13 - April 29, 2012
The exhibition at OK presented the 60 minute film, a video room with found footage, a floor plan of a typical tsunami house, the slide installation "A house is a house is..." (by Heidrun Holzfeind), the photo series "Boxing Day Survivors" and 12 prints from the series "Voyages Apocalyptiques" (both by Christoph Draeger) as well as a table with 11 monitors with video interviews with "experts".
Holzfeind's slide projection "A house is a house is..." shows wide angle and close up views of buildings and their surroundings which were (re)built in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami in Thailand, Banda Aceh, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
The projection in the found footage video room shows the video of a German family recorded during the tsunami in Thailand. On three monitors edited home videos and news footage of the tsunami, bought during their trip (for example at the Tsunami Museum in Khao Lak) are running in loops.
While Draeger's photo series "Boxing Day Survivors" portraits people who have survived the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, his ongoing series "Voyages apocalyptiques" shows idyllic, unspectacular landscapes where catastrophes, terrorist acts or airplane crashes once happened.
On 11 monitors interviews with "experts" – architects, delegates of the UN and Red Cross, representatives of NGOs, writers etc. – are presented. On a flatscreen TV a series of still images show the film set of a Hollywood production about the tsunami, built at the time of our visit in a deserted hotel compound close to Khao Lak, Thailand.
In conjunction with the exhibition, a symposium titled "emergency architecture /
housing and community rebuilding after disaster" took place at AFO / Architectural Forum Upper Austria.
Symposium guests:
Peter Burk, "Architekten über Grenzen";
Gunda Maurer, founder "Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria";
Carl Pruscha, architect;
Clemens Quirin, BASEhabitat, Kunstuniversität Linz;
Susi Platt, "Architecture for Humanity";
Max Santner, project manager Red Cross Austria;
Ingemar Sävfors, "Architecture sans frontières Sweden";
Introduction and moderation: Christoph Draeger, Heidrun Holzfeind